Active ACFL Riders

Riders, I’ve met a few of you out on the trails and would like to start a list of active riders. With that, I can start to get to know you, and be able to help the Parks Department know how many of us ride. Best way to contact me is through the email link. Just send me your name, contact information, and a message or a concern you’d like me to address.

Those of you I’ve talked to have been interested in looking into re-opening existing trails to motorcycles so our community of users can connect the trail systems of each of the three areas in the ACFL: Whistle Lake, Heart Lake and Cranberry Lake.

Look forward to hearing from you. Ride safe, stay well.

7 Replies to “Active ACFL Riders”

  1. Hi John! This is Alex and Alyssa, the guy (on Honda) and girl (on Yamaha) you talked to riding whistle lake today (10/29) just chiming in and checking out this website you told us about. Looks great! Let us know if there is any way we can contribute or help out maintain the trails; Or how we can stay more involved in any way. We’re always keen to ride and explore new trails so give us a shout if you ever want some tag alongs. Ride safe.

    Be well,
    Alex Wright

    1. Hey Alex and Alyssa. Hope you all are doing well. If you still live in Anacortes, the trails are open and in great shape. It’d be great to see you out there enjoying yourselves on your bikes.

    1. For sure. Hope ya had a good ride. Thanks for offering to help with things. I’ll reach out if I have any pop-ups or need some input. Let other riders know they can voice their issues here on the website. Sure appreciate it.

  2. Yes, put me on a “list”… I started riding these trails back in 1965 – motorcycle – back when the State owned the property. We even held poker runs on the trails and made trails back then. I still occasionally ride the trails around Whistle Lake – in fact I rode today for an hour or so putting around (10 mph) on my new small dual sport MC. I am willing to help with some trail work or politics to at least keep things status quo for us. If I see motorcyclist misbehaving – believe me – I let them know to knock it off. As to trail work I can be of some value even in my 70s…I just found out about this website today.

  3. Nice meeting you on the trail today (Travis on the ktm). Totally agree with you about letting 2 strokes into the acfl and opening up more trails to motorbikes. Thanks for doing what you do!

    1. Travis,

      Great to cross paths with you. I’ll include you in the email chain for updated info. Thanks for riding the ACFL, and your support!

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